TV Script Generation

In this project, you'll generate your own Simpsons TV scripts using RNNs. You'll be using part of the Simpsons dataset of scripts from 27 seasons. The Neural Network you'll build will generate a new TV script for a scene at Moe's Tavern.

Get the Data

The data is already provided for you. You'll be using a subset of the original dataset. It consists of only the scenes in Moe's Tavern. This doesn't include other versions of the tavern, like "Moe's Cavern", "Flaming Moe's", "Uncle Moe's Family Feed-Bag", etc..

In [1]:
import helper

data_dir = './data/simpsons/moes_tavern_lines.txt'
text = helper.load_data(data_dir)
# Ignore notice, since we don't use it for analysing the data
text = text[81:]

Explore the Data

Play around with view_sentence_range to view different parts of the data.

In [2]:
view_sentence_range = (0, 10)

import numpy as np

print('Dataset Stats')
print('Roughly the number of unique words: {}'.format(len({word: None for word in text.split()})))
scenes = text.split('\n\n')
print('Number of scenes: {}'.format(len(scenes)))
sentence_count_scene = [scene.count('\n') for scene in scenes]
print('Average number of sentences in each scene: {}'.format(np.average(sentence_count_scene)))

sentences = [sentence for scene in scenes for sentence in scene.split('\n')]
print('Number of lines: {}'.format(len(sentences)))
word_count_sentence = [len(sentence.split()) for sentence in sentences]
print('Average number of words in each line: {}'.format(np.average(word_count_sentence)))

print('The sentences {} to {}:'.format(*view_sentence_range))
Dataset Stats
Roughly the number of unique words: 11492
Number of scenes: 262
Average number of sentences in each scene: 15.248091603053435
Number of lines: 4257
Average number of words in each line: 11.50434578341555

The sentences 0 to 10:
Moe_Szyslak: (INTO PHONE) Moe's Tavern. Where the elite meet to drink.
Bart_Simpson: Eh, yeah, hello, is Mike there? Last name, Rotch.
Moe_Szyslak: (INTO PHONE) Hold on, I'll check. (TO BARFLIES) Mike Rotch. Mike Rotch. Hey, has anybody seen Mike Rotch, lately?
Moe_Szyslak: (INTO PHONE) Listen you little puke. One of these days I'm gonna catch you, and I'm gonna carve my name on your back with an ice pick.
Moe_Szyslak: What's the matter Homer? You're not your normal effervescent self.
Homer_Simpson: I got my problems, Moe. Give me another one.
Moe_Szyslak: Homer, hey, you should not drink to forget your problems.
Barney_Gumble: Yeah, you should only drink to enhance your social skills.

Implement Preprocessing Functions

The first thing to do to any dataset is preprocessing. Implement the following preprocessing functions below:

  • Lookup Table
  • Tokenize Punctuation

Lookup Table

To create a word embedding, you first need to transform the words to ids. In this function, create two dictionaries:

  • Dictionary to go from the words to an id, we'll call vocab_to_int
  • Dictionary to go from the id to word, we'll call int_to_vocab

Return these dictionaries in the following tuple (vocab_to_int, int_to_vocab)

In [3]:
import numpy as np
import problem_unittests as tests
from collections import Counter
def create_lookup_tables(text):
    Create lookup tables for vocabulary
    :param text: The text of tv scripts split into words
    :return: A tuple of dicts (vocab_to_int, int_to_vocab)
    sorted_word_counts = sorted(Counter(text))
    vocab_to_int = {v: k for k, v in enumerate(sorted_word_counts)}
    int_to_vocab = {k: v for k, v in enumerate(sorted_word_counts)}
    return (vocab_to_int, int_to_vocab)

Tests Passed

Tokenize Punctuation

We'll be splitting the script into a word array using spaces as delimiters. However, punctuations like periods and exclamation marks make it hard for the neural network to distinguish between the word "bye" and "bye!".

Implement the function token_lookup to return a dict that will be used to tokenize symbols like "!" into "||Exclamation_Mark||". Create a dictionary for the following symbols where the symbol is the key and value is the token:

  • Period ( . )
  • Comma ( , )
  • Quotation Mark ( " )
  • Semicolon ( ; )
  • Exclamation mark ( ! )
  • Question mark ( ? )
  • Left Parentheses ( ( )
  • Right Parentheses ( ) )
  • Dash ( -- )
  • Return ( \n )

This dictionary will be used to token the symbols and add the delimiter (space) around it. This separates the symbols as it's own word, making it easier for the neural network to predict on the next word. Make sure you don't use a token that could be confused as a word. Instead of using the token "dash", try using something like "||dash||".

In [4]:
def token_lookup():
    Generate a dict to turn punctuation into a token.
    :return: Tokenize dictionary where the key is the punctuation and the value is the token
    tokens = {
        ".": "||Period||",
        ",": "||Comma||",
        "\"": "||Quotation_Mark||",
        ";": "||Semicolon||",
        "!": "||Exclamation_mark||",
        "?": "||Question_mark||",
        "(": "||Left_Parentheses||",
        ")": "||Right_Parentheses||",
        "--": "||Dash||",
        "\n": "||Return||"    
    return tokens

Tests Passed

Preprocess all the data and save it

Running the code cell below will preprocess all the data and save it to file.

In [5]:
# Preprocess Training, Validation, and Testing Data
helper.preprocess_and_save_data(data_dir, token_lookup, create_lookup_tables)

Check Point

This is your first checkpoint. If you ever decide to come back to this notebook or have to restart the notebook, you can start from here. The preprocessed data has been saved to disk.

In [6]:
import helper
import numpy as np
import problem_unittests as tests

int_text, vocab_to_int, int_to_vocab, token_dict = helper.load_preprocess()

Build the Neural Network

You'll build the components necessary to build a RNN by implementing the following functions below:

  • get_inputs
  • get_init_cell
  • get_embed
  • build_rnn
  • build_nn
  • get_batches

Check the Version of TensorFlow and Access to GPU

In [7]:
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
import warnings
import tensorflow as tf

# Check TensorFlow Version
assert LooseVersion(tf.__version__) >= LooseVersion('1.0'), 'Please use TensorFlow version 1.0 or newer'
print('TensorFlow Version: {}'.format(tf.__version__))

# Check for a GPU
if not tf.test.gpu_device_name():
    warnings.warn('No GPU found. Please use a GPU to train your neural network.')
    print('Default GPU Device: {}'.format(tf.test.gpu_device_name()))
TensorFlow Version: 1.0.0
Default GPU Device: /gpu:0


Implement the get_inputs() function to create TF Placeholders for the Neural Network. It should create the following placeholders:

  • Input text placeholder named "input" using the TF Placeholder name parameter.
  • Targets placeholder
  • Learning Rate placeholder

Return the placeholders in the following tuple (Input, Targets, LearningRate)

In [8]:
def get_inputs():
    Create TF Placeholders for input, targets, and learning rate.
    :return: Tuple (input, targets, learning rate)
    input_ = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, None], name="input")
    targets_ = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, None], name="targets")
    learning_rate_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="learning_rate")
    return input_, targets_, learning_rate_

Tests Passed

Build RNN Cell and Initialize

Stack one or more BasicLSTMCells in a MultiRNNCell.

  • The Rnn size should be set using rnn_size
  • Initalize Cell State using the MultiRNNCell's zero_state() function
    • Apply the name "initial_state" to the initial state using tf.identity()

Return the cell and initial state in the following tuple (Cell, InitialState)

In [9]:
def get_init_cell(batch_size, rnn_size):
    Create an RNN Cell and initialize it.
    :param batch_size: Size of batches
    :param rnn_size: Size of RNNs
    :return: Tuple (cell, initialize state)
    lstm_ = tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(rnn_size)
    cell_ = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([lstm_])
    initial_state_ = tf.identity(cell_.zero_state(batch_size, tf.float32), name="initial_state")
    return cell_, initial_state_

Tests Passed

Word Embedding

Apply embedding to input_data using TensorFlow. Return the embedded sequence.

In [10]:
def get_embed(input_data, vocab_size, embed_dim):
    Create embedding for <input_data>.
    :param input_data: TF placeholder for text input.
    :param vocab_size: Number of words in vocabulary.
    :param embed_dim: Number of embedding dimensions
    :return: Embedded input.

    embedding = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform((vocab_size, embed_dim), -1, 1))
    embed = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embedding, input_data)
    return embed

Tests Passed

Build RNN

You created a RNN Cell in the get_init_cell() function. Time to use the cell to create a RNN.

Return the outputs and final_state state in the following tuple (Outputs, FinalState)

In [11]:
def build_rnn(cell, inputs):
    Create a RNN using a RNN Cell
    :param cell: RNN Cell
    :param inputs: Input text data
    :return: Tuple (Outputs, Final State)
    outputs, final_state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell, inputs, dtype=tf.float32)
    final_state = tf.identity(final_state, name="final_state")
    return outputs, final_state

Tests Passed

Build the Neural Network

Apply the functions you implemented above to:

  • Apply embedding to input_data using your get_embed(input_data, vocab_size, embed_dim) function.
  • Build RNN using cell and your build_rnn(cell, inputs) function.
  • Apply a fully connected layer with a linear activation and vocab_size as the number of outputs.

Return the logits and final state in the following tuple (Logits, FinalState)

In [12]:
def build_nn(cell, rnn_size, input_data, vocab_size, embed_dim):
    Build part of the neural network
    :param cell: RNN cell
    :param rnn_size: Size of rnns
    :param input_data: Input data
    :param vocab_size: Vocabulary size
    :param embed_dim: Number of embedding dimensions
    :return: Tuple (Logits, FinalState)
    embeddings = get_embed(input_data, vocab_size, embed_dim)
    outputs, final_state = build_rnn(cell, embeddings)
    # activation_fn is None to keep a linear activation function
    predictions = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(outputs, vocab_size, activation_fn=None)
    return predictions, final_state

Tests Passed


Implement get_batches to create batches of input and targets using int_text. The batches should be a Numpy array with the shape (number of batches, 2, batch size, sequence length). Each batch contains two elements:

  • The first element is a single batch of input with the shape [batch size, sequence length]
  • The second element is a single batch of targets with the shape [batch size, sequence length]

If you can't fill the last batch with enough data, drop the last batch.

For exmple, get_batches([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20], 3, 2) would return a Numpy array of the following:

  # First Batch
    # Batch of Input
    [[ 1  2], [ 7  8], [13 14]]
    # Batch of targets
    [[ 2  3], [ 8  9], [14 15]]

  # Second Batch
    # Batch of Input
    [[ 3  4], [ 9 10], [15 16]]
    # Batch of targets
    [[ 4  5], [10 11], [16 17]]

  # Third Batch
    # Batch of Input
    [[ 5  6], [11 12], [17 18]]
    # Batch of targets
    [[ 6  7], [12 13], [18  1]]

Notice that the last target value in the last batch is the first input value of the first batch. In this case, 1. This is a common technique used when creating sequence batches, although it is rather unintuitive.

In [13]:
# Several forum posts were useful in getting this right.
# In particular, this post,,
# contains an implementation by Rahul Ahuja that fixed issues I had with my failed attempt at generalizing 
# this function.

def get_batches(int_text, batch_size, seq_length):
    Return batches of input and target
    :param int_text: Text with the words replaced by their ids
    :param batch_size: The size of batch
    :param seq_length: The length of sequence
    :return: Batches as a Numpy array
    batches = len(int_text) // (batch_size * seq_length)

    input_ = np.array(int_text[: (batches*batch_size*seq_length)])
    target_ = np.array(int_text[1 : (batches*batch_size*seq_length)+1])
    target_[-1] = input_[0]

    input_ = input_.reshape(batch_size, -1)
    target_ = target_.reshape(batch_size, -1)

    input_ = np.split(input_, batches, -1)
    target_ = np.split(target_, batches, -1)

    return np.array(list(zip(input_, target_)))

Tests Passed

Neural Network Training


Tune the following parameters:

  • Set num_epochs to the number of epochs.
  • Set batch_size to the batch size.
  • Set rnn_size to the size of the RNNs.
  • Set embed_dim to the size of the embedding.
  • Set seq_length to the length of sequence.
  • Set learning_rate to the learning rate.
  • Set show_every_n_batches to the number of batches the neural network should print progress.
In [14]:
# Number of Epochs
num_epochs = 150
# Batch Size
batch_size = 100
# RNN Size
rnn_size = 512
# Embedding Dimension Size
embed_dim = 300
# Sequence Length
seq_length = 50
# Learning Rate
learning_rate = 0.001
# Show stats for every n number of batches
show_every_n_batches = 6

save_dir = './save'

Build the Graph

Build the graph using the neural network you implemented.

In [15]:
from tensorflow.contrib import seq2seq

train_graph = tf.Graph()
with train_graph.as_default():
    vocab_size = len(int_to_vocab)
    input_text, targets, lr = get_inputs()
    input_data_shape = tf.shape(input_text)
    cell, initial_state = get_init_cell(input_data_shape[0], rnn_size)
    logits, final_state = build_nn(cell, rnn_size, input_text, vocab_size, embed_dim)

    # Probabilities for generating words
    probs = tf.nn.softmax(logits, name='probs')

    # Loss function
    cost = seq2seq.sequence_loss(
        tf.ones([input_data_shape[0], input_data_shape[1]]))

    # Optimizer
    optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr)

    # Gradient Clipping
    gradients = optimizer.compute_gradients(cost)
    capped_gradients = [(tf.clip_by_value(grad, -1., 1.), var) for grad, var in gradients if grad is not None]
    train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(capped_gradients)


Train the neural network on the preprocessed data. If you have a hard time getting a good loss, check the forums to see if anyone is having the same problem.

In [16]:
batches = get_batches(int_text, batch_size, seq_length)

with tf.Session(graph=train_graph) as sess:

    for epoch_i in range(num_epochs):
        state =, {input_text: batches[0][0]})

        for batch_i, (x, y) in enumerate(batches):
            feed = {
                input_text: x,
                targets: y,
                initial_state: state,
                lr: learning_rate}
            train_loss, state, _ =[cost, final_state, train_op], feed)

            # Show every <show_every_n_batches> batches
            if (epoch_i * len(batches) + batch_i) % show_every_n_batches == 0:
                print('Epoch {:>3} Batch {:>4}/{}   train_loss = {:.3f}'.format(

    # Save Model
    saver = tf.train.Saver(), save_dir)
    print('Model Trained and Saved')
Epoch   0 Batch    0/13   train_loss = 8.824
Epoch   0 Batch    6/13   train_loss = 7.043
Epoch   0 Batch   12/13   train_loss = 6.316
Epoch   1 Batch    5/13   train_loss = 6.159
Epoch   1 Batch   11/13   train_loss = 5.964
Epoch   2 Batch    4/13   train_loss = 5.948
Epoch   2 Batch   10/13   train_loss = 5.903
Epoch   3 Batch    3/13   train_loss = 5.769
Epoch   3 Batch    9/13   train_loss = 5.759
Epoch   4 Batch    2/13   train_loss = 5.654
Epoch   4 Batch    8/13   train_loss = 5.591
Epoch   5 Batch    1/13   train_loss = 5.470
Epoch   5 Batch    7/13   train_loss = 5.457
Epoch   6 Batch    0/13   train_loss = 5.393
Epoch   6 Batch    6/13   train_loss = 5.303
Epoch   6 Batch   12/13   train_loss = 5.318
Epoch   7 Batch    5/13   train_loss = 5.163
Epoch   7 Batch   11/13   train_loss = 5.103
Epoch   8 Batch    4/13   train_loss = 5.079
Epoch   8 Batch   10/13   train_loss = 5.092
Epoch   9 Batch    3/13   train_loss = 4.947
Epoch   9 Batch    9/13   train_loss = 4.986
Epoch  10 Batch    2/13   train_loss = 4.927
Epoch  10 Batch    8/13   train_loss = 4.870
Epoch  11 Batch    1/13   train_loss = 4.761
Epoch  11 Batch    7/13   train_loss = 4.766
Epoch  12 Batch    0/13   train_loss = 4.751
Epoch  12 Batch    6/13   train_loss = 4.665
Epoch  12 Batch   12/13   train_loss = 4.718
Epoch  13 Batch    5/13   train_loss = 4.585
Epoch  13 Batch   11/13   train_loss = 4.549
Epoch  14 Batch    4/13   train_loss = 4.555
Epoch  14 Batch   10/13   train_loss = 4.582
Epoch  15 Batch    3/13   train_loss = 4.453
Epoch  15 Batch    9/13   train_loss = 4.503
Epoch  16 Batch    2/13   train_loss = 4.448
Epoch  16 Batch    8/13   train_loss = 4.408
Epoch  17 Batch    1/13   train_loss = 4.314
Epoch  17 Batch    7/13   train_loss = 4.334
Epoch  18 Batch    0/13   train_loss = 4.334
Epoch  18 Batch    6/13   train_loss = 4.253
Epoch  18 Batch   12/13   train_loss = 4.310
Epoch  19 Batch    5/13   train_loss = 4.192
Epoch  19 Batch   11/13   train_loss = 4.171
Epoch  20 Batch    4/13   train_loss = 4.178
Epoch  20 Batch   10/13   train_loss = 4.203
Epoch  21 Batch    3/13   train_loss = 4.079
Epoch  21 Batch    9/13   train_loss = 4.139
Epoch  22 Batch    2/13   train_loss = 4.082
Epoch  22 Batch    8/13   train_loss = 4.054
Epoch  23 Batch    1/13   train_loss = 3.976
Epoch  23 Batch    7/13   train_loss = 4.002
Epoch  24 Batch    0/13   train_loss = 3.998
Epoch  24 Batch    6/13   train_loss = 3.922
Epoch  24 Batch   12/13   train_loss = 3.981
Epoch  25 Batch    5/13   train_loss = 3.867
Epoch  25 Batch   11/13   train_loss = 3.866
Epoch  26 Batch    4/13   train_loss = 3.871
Epoch  26 Batch   10/13   train_loss = 3.886
Epoch  27 Batch    3/13   train_loss = 3.774
Epoch  27 Batch    9/13   train_loss = 3.829
Epoch  28 Batch    2/13   train_loss = 3.773
Epoch  28 Batch    8/13   train_loss = 3.743
Epoch  29 Batch    1/13   train_loss = 3.673
Epoch  29 Batch    7/13   train_loss = 3.697
Epoch  30 Batch    0/13   train_loss = 3.703
Epoch  30 Batch    6/13   train_loss = 3.626
Epoch  30 Batch   12/13   train_loss = 3.683
Epoch  31 Batch    5/13   train_loss = 3.573
Epoch  31 Batch   11/13   train_loss = 3.580
Epoch  32 Batch    4/13   train_loss = 3.584
Epoch  32 Batch   10/13   train_loss = 3.586
Epoch  33 Batch    3/13   train_loss = 3.486
Epoch  33 Batch    9/13   train_loss = 3.536
Epoch  34 Batch    2/13   train_loss = 3.501
Epoch  34 Batch    8/13   train_loss = 3.474
Epoch  35 Batch    1/13   train_loss = 3.413
Epoch  35 Batch    7/13   train_loss = 3.429
Epoch  36 Batch    0/13   train_loss = 3.435
Epoch  36 Batch    6/13   train_loss = 3.366
Epoch  36 Batch   12/13   train_loss = 3.410
Epoch  37 Batch    5/13   train_loss = 3.313
Epoch  37 Batch   11/13   train_loss = 3.332
Epoch  38 Batch    4/13   train_loss = 3.337
Epoch  38 Batch   10/13   train_loss = 3.325
Epoch  39 Batch    3/13   train_loss = 3.240
Epoch  39 Batch    9/13   train_loss = 3.269
Epoch  40 Batch    2/13   train_loss = 3.241
Epoch  40 Batch    8/13   train_loss = 3.221
Epoch  41 Batch    1/13   train_loss = 3.176
Epoch  41 Batch    7/13   train_loss = 3.188
Epoch  42 Batch    0/13   train_loss = 3.186
Epoch  42 Batch    6/13   train_loss = 3.122
Epoch  42 Batch   12/13   train_loss = 3.167
Epoch  43 Batch    5/13   train_loss = 3.064
Epoch  43 Batch   11/13   train_loss = 3.101
Epoch  44 Batch    4/13   train_loss = 3.111
Epoch  44 Batch   10/13   train_loss = 3.084
Epoch  45 Batch    3/13   train_loss = 3.020
Epoch  45 Batch    9/13   train_loss = 3.048
Epoch  46 Batch    2/13   train_loss = 3.042
Epoch  46 Batch    8/13   train_loss = 3.024
Epoch  47 Batch    1/13   train_loss = 2.995
Epoch  47 Batch    7/13   train_loss = 2.990
Epoch  48 Batch    0/13   train_loss = 2.979
Epoch  48 Batch    6/13   train_loss = 2.943
Epoch  48 Batch   12/13   train_loss = 2.991
Epoch  49 Batch    5/13   train_loss = 2.898
Epoch  49 Batch   11/13   train_loss = 2.906
Epoch  50 Batch    4/13   train_loss = 2.910
Epoch  50 Batch   10/13   train_loss = 2.887
Epoch  51 Batch    3/13   train_loss = 2.852
Epoch  51 Batch    9/13   train_loss = 2.869
Epoch  52 Batch    2/13   train_loss = 2.848
Epoch  52 Batch    8/13   train_loss = 2.830
Epoch  53 Batch    1/13   train_loss = 2.793
Epoch  53 Batch    7/13   train_loss = 2.786
Epoch  54 Batch    0/13   train_loss = 2.785
Epoch  54 Batch    6/13   train_loss = 2.748
Epoch  54 Batch   12/13   train_loss = 2.776
Epoch  55 Batch    5/13   train_loss = 2.677
Epoch  55 Batch   11/13   train_loss = 2.709
Epoch  56 Batch    4/13   train_loss = 2.724
Epoch  56 Batch   10/13   train_loss = 2.697
Epoch  57 Batch    3/13   train_loss = 2.663
Epoch  57 Batch    9/13   train_loss = 2.663
Epoch  58 Batch    2/13   train_loss = 2.647
Epoch  58 Batch    8/13   train_loss = 2.631
Epoch  59 Batch    1/13   train_loss = 2.612
Epoch  59 Batch    7/13   train_loss = 2.601
Epoch  60 Batch    0/13   train_loss = 2.605
Epoch  60 Batch    6/13   train_loss = 2.598
Epoch  60 Batch   12/13   train_loss = 2.645
Epoch  61 Batch    5/13   train_loss = 2.536
Epoch  61 Batch   11/13   train_loss = 2.552
Epoch  62 Batch    4/13   train_loss = 2.553
Epoch  62 Batch   10/13   train_loss = 2.514
Epoch  63 Batch    3/13   train_loss = 2.496
Epoch  63 Batch    9/13   train_loss = 2.486
Epoch  64 Batch    2/13   train_loss = 2.470
Epoch  64 Batch    8/13   train_loss = 2.454
Epoch  65 Batch    1/13   train_loss = 2.444
Epoch  65 Batch    7/13   train_loss = 2.432
Epoch  66 Batch    0/13   train_loss = 2.413
Epoch  66 Batch    6/13   train_loss = 2.378
Epoch  66 Batch   12/13   train_loss = 2.403
Epoch  67 Batch    5/13   train_loss = 2.332
Epoch  67 Batch   11/13   train_loss = 2.374
Epoch  68 Batch    4/13   train_loss = 2.384
Epoch  68 Batch   10/13   train_loss = 2.334
Epoch  69 Batch    3/13   train_loss = 2.320
Epoch  69 Batch    9/13   train_loss = 2.303
Epoch  70 Batch    2/13   train_loss = 2.299
Epoch  70 Batch    8/13   train_loss = 2.295
Epoch  71 Batch    1/13   train_loss = 2.291
Epoch  71 Batch    7/13   train_loss = 2.281
Epoch  72 Batch    0/13   train_loss = 2.265
Epoch  72 Batch    6/13   train_loss = 2.248
Epoch  72 Batch   12/13   train_loss = 2.268
Epoch  73 Batch    5/13   train_loss = 2.206
Epoch  73 Batch   11/13   train_loss = 2.235
Epoch  74 Batch    4/13   train_loss = 2.246
Epoch  74 Batch   10/13   train_loss = 2.193
Epoch  75 Batch    3/13   train_loss = 2.183
Epoch  75 Batch    9/13   train_loss = 2.164
Epoch  76 Batch    2/13   train_loss = 2.169
Epoch  76 Batch    8/13   train_loss = 2.189
Epoch  77 Batch    1/13   train_loss = 2.198
Epoch  77 Batch    7/13   train_loss = 2.168
Epoch  78 Batch    0/13   train_loss = 2.139
Epoch  78 Batch    6/13   train_loss = 2.112
Epoch  78 Batch   12/13   train_loss = 2.141
Epoch  79 Batch    5/13   train_loss = 2.092
Epoch  79 Batch   11/13   train_loss = 2.132
Epoch  80 Batch    4/13   train_loss = 2.117
Epoch  80 Batch   10/13   train_loss = 2.057
Epoch  81 Batch    3/13   train_loss = 2.060
Epoch  81 Batch    9/13   train_loss = 2.061
Epoch  82 Batch    2/13   train_loss = 2.054
Epoch  82 Batch    8/13   train_loss = 2.044
Epoch  83 Batch    1/13   train_loss = 2.037
Epoch  83 Batch    7/13   train_loss = 2.001
Epoch  84 Batch    0/13   train_loss = 1.996
Epoch  84 Batch    6/13   train_loss = 1.984
Epoch  84 Batch   12/13   train_loss = 1.995
Epoch  85 Batch    5/13   train_loss = 1.952
Epoch  85 Batch   11/13   train_loss = 1.995
Epoch  86 Batch    4/13   train_loss = 2.002
Epoch  86 Batch   10/13   train_loss = 1.955
Epoch  87 Batch    3/13   train_loss = 1.971
Epoch  87 Batch    9/13   train_loss = 1.964
Epoch  88 Batch    2/13   train_loss = 1.940
Epoch  88 Batch    8/13   train_loss = 1.944
Epoch  89 Batch    1/13   train_loss = 1.955
Epoch  89 Batch    7/13   train_loss = 1.955
Epoch  90 Batch    0/13   train_loss = 2.021
Epoch  90 Batch    6/13   train_loss = 2.092
Epoch  90 Batch   12/13   train_loss = 2.003
Epoch  91 Batch    5/13   train_loss = 1.901
Epoch  91 Batch   11/13   train_loss = 1.933
Epoch  92 Batch    4/13   train_loss = 1.930
Epoch  92 Batch   10/13   train_loss = 1.850
Epoch  93 Batch    3/13   train_loss = 1.834
Epoch  93 Batch    9/13   train_loss = 1.807
Epoch  94 Batch    2/13   train_loss = 1.792
Epoch  94 Batch    8/13   train_loss = 1.802
Epoch  95 Batch    1/13   train_loss = 1.799
Epoch  95 Batch    7/13   train_loss = 1.763
Epoch  96 Batch    0/13   train_loss = 1.753
Epoch  96 Batch    6/13   train_loss = 1.732
Epoch  96 Batch   12/13   train_loss = 1.730
Epoch  97 Batch    5/13   train_loss = 1.689
Epoch  97 Batch   11/13   train_loss = 1.720
Epoch  98 Batch    4/13   train_loss = 1.720
Epoch  98 Batch   10/13   train_loss = 1.673
Epoch  99 Batch    3/13   train_loss = 1.686
Epoch  99 Batch    9/13   train_loss = 1.664
Epoch 100 Batch    2/13   train_loss = 1.656
Epoch 100 Batch    8/13   train_loss = 1.659
Epoch 101 Batch    1/13   train_loss = 1.658
Epoch 101 Batch    7/13   train_loss = 1.627
Epoch 102 Batch    0/13   train_loss = 1.626
Epoch 102 Batch    6/13   train_loss = 1.614
Epoch 102 Batch   12/13   train_loss = 1.611
Epoch 103 Batch    5/13   train_loss = 1.579
Epoch 103 Batch   11/13   train_loss = 1.603
Epoch 104 Batch    4/13   train_loss = 1.600
Epoch 104 Batch   10/13   train_loss = 1.550
Epoch 105 Batch    3/13   train_loss = 1.567
Epoch 105 Batch    9/13   train_loss = 1.546
Epoch 106 Batch    2/13   train_loss = 1.545
Epoch 106 Batch    8/13   train_loss = 1.550
Epoch 107 Batch    1/13   train_loss = 1.549
Epoch 107 Batch    7/13   train_loss = 1.519
Epoch 108 Batch    0/13   train_loss = 1.525
Epoch 108 Batch    6/13   train_loss = 1.507
Epoch 108 Batch   12/13   train_loss = 1.498
Epoch 109 Batch    5/13   train_loss = 1.472
Epoch 109 Batch   11/13   train_loss = 1.497
Epoch 110 Batch    4/13   train_loss = 1.499
Epoch 110 Batch   10/13   train_loss = 1.460
Epoch 111 Batch    3/13   train_loss = 1.479
Epoch 111 Batch    9/13   train_loss = 1.455
Epoch 112 Batch    2/13   train_loss = 1.442
Epoch 112 Batch    8/13   train_loss = 1.446
Epoch 113 Batch    1/13   train_loss = 1.452
Epoch 113 Batch    7/13   train_loss = 1.434
Epoch 114 Batch    0/13   train_loss = 1.449
Epoch 114 Batch    6/13   train_loss = 1.434
Epoch 114 Batch   12/13   train_loss = 1.429
Epoch 115 Batch    5/13   train_loss = 1.399
Epoch 115 Batch   11/13   train_loss = 1.417
Epoch 116 Batch    4/13   train_loss = 1.419
Epoch 116 Batch   10/13   train_loss = 1.374
Epoch 117 Batch    3/13   train_loss = 1.396
Epoch 117 Batch    9/13   train_loss = 1.366
Epoch 118 Batch    2/13   train_loss = 1.361
Epoch 118 Batch    8/13   train_loss = 1.358
Epoch 119 Batch    1/13   train_loss = 1.353
Epoch 119 Batch    7/13   train_loss = 1.320
Epoch 120 Batch    0/13   train_loss = 1.328
Epoch 120 Batch    6/13   train_loss = 1.306
Epoch 120 Batch   12/13   train_loss = 1.311
Epoch 121 Batch    5/13   train_loss = 1.301
Epoch 121 Batch   11/13   train_loss = 1.317
Epoch 122 Batch    4/13   train_loss = 1.313
Epoch 122 Batch   10/13   train_loss = 1.261
Epoch 123 Batch    3/13   train_loss = 1.271
Epoch 123 Batch    9/13   train_loss = 1.250
Epoch 124 Batch    2/13   train_loss = 1.253
Epoch 124 Batch    8/13   train_loss = 1.266
Epoch 125 Batch    1/13   train_loss = 1.267
Epoch 125 Batch    7/13   train_loss = 1.239
Epoch 126 Batch    0/13   train_loss = 1.250
Epoch 126 Batch    6/13   train_loss = 1.224
Epoch 126 Batch   12/13   train_loss = 1.221
Epoch 127 Batch    5/13   train_loss = 1.207
Epoch 127 Batch   11/13   train_loss = 1.217
Epoch 128 Batch    4/13   train_loss = 1.222
Epoch 128 Batch   10/13   train_loss = 1.183
Epoch 129 Batch    3/13   train_loss = 1.200
Epoch 129 Batch    9/13   train_loss = 1.177
Epoch 130 Batch    2/13   train_loss = 1.169
Epoch 130 Batch    8/13   train_loss = 1.172
Epoch 131 Batch    1/13   train_loss = 1.166
Epoch 131 Batch    7/13   train_loss = 1.139
Epoch 132 Batch    0/13   train_loss = 1.158
Epoch 132 Batch    6/13   train_loss = 1.132
Epoch 132 Batch   12/13   train_loss = 1.126
Epoch 133 Batch    5/13   train_loss = 1.118
Epoch 133 Batch   11/13   train_loss = 1.124
Epoch 134 Batch    4/13   train_loss = 1.117
Epoch 134 Batch   10/13   train_loss = 1.072
Epoch 135 Batch    3/13   train_loss = 1.102
Epoch 135 Batch    9/13   train_loss = 1.078
Epoch 136 Batch    2/13   train_loss = 1.078
Epoch 136 Batch    8/13   train_loss = 1.069
Epoch 137 Batch    1/13   train_loss = 1.065
Epoch 137 Batch    7/13   train_loss = 1.038
Epoch 138 Batch    0/13   train_loss = 1.062
Epoch 138 Batch    6/13   train_loss = 1.037
Epoch 138 Batch   12/13   train_loss = 1.039
Epoch 139 Batch    5/13   train_loss = 1.029
Epoch 139 Batch   11/13   train_loss = 1.030
Epoch 140 Batch    4/13   train_loss = 1.029
Epoch 140 Batch   10/13   train_loss = 0.983
Epoch 141 Batch    3/13   train_loss = 1.007
Epoch 141 Batch    9/13   train_loss = 0.989
Epoch 142 Batch    2/13   train_loss = 0.991
Epoch 142 Batch    8/13   train_loss = 0.985
Epoch 143 Batch    1/13   train_loss = 0.977
Epoch 143 Batch    7/13   train_loss = 0.959
Epoch 144 Batch    0/13   train_loss = 0.977
Epoch 144 Batch    6/13   train_loss = 0.967
Epoch 144 Batch   12/13   train_loss = 0.960
Epoch 145 Batch    5/13   train_loss = 0.952
Epoch 145 Batch   11/13   train_loss = 0.949
Epoch 146 Batch    4/13   train_loss = 0.943
Epoch 146 Batch   10/13   train_loss = 0.902
Epoch 147 Batch    3/13   train_loss = 0.920
Epoch 147 Batch    9/13   train_loss = 0.908
Epoch 148 Batch    2/13   train_loss = 0.911
Epoch 148 Batch    8/13   train_loss = 0.907
Epoch 149 Batch    1/13   train_loss = 0.891
Epoch 149 Batch    7/13   train_loss = 0.871
Model Trained and Saved

Save Parameters

Save seq_length and save_dir for generating a new TV script.

In [17]:
# Save parameters for checkpoint
helper.save_params((seq_length, save_dir))


In [18]:
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import helper
import problem_unittests as tests

_, vocab_to_int, int_to_vocab, token_dict = helper.load_preprocess()
seq_length, load_dir = helper.load_params()

Implement Generate Functions

Get Tensors

Get tensors from loaded_graph using the function get_tensor_by_name(). Get the tensors using the following names:

  • "input:0"
  • "initial_state:0"
  • "final_state:0"
  • "probs:0"

Return the tensors in the following tuple (InputTensor, InitialStateTensor, FinalStateTensor, ProbsTensor)

In [19]:
def get_tensors(loaded_graph):
    Get input, initial state, final state, and probabilities tensor from <loaded_graph>
    :param loaded_graph: TensorFlow graph loaded from file
    :return: Tuple (InputTensor, InitialStateTensor, FinalStateTensor, ProbsTensor)
    inputTensor = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name("input:0")
    initialStateTensor = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name("initial_state:0")
    finalStateTensor = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name("final_state:0")
    probsTensor = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name("probs:0")
    return inputTensor, initialStateTensor, finalStateTensor, probsTensor

Tests Passed

Choose Word

Implement the pick_word() function to select the next word using probabilities.

In [20]:
def pick_word(probabilities, int_to_vocab):
    Pick the next word in the generated text
    :param probabilities: Probabilites of the next word
    :param int_to_vocab: Dictionary of word ids as the keys and words as the values
    :return: String of the predicted word
    word = np.random.choice(list(int_to_vocab.values()), p=probabilities)
    return word

Tests Passed

Generate TV Script

This will generate the TV script for you. Set gen_length to the length of TV script you want to generate.

In [22]:
gen_length = 300
# homer_simpson, moe_szyslak, or Barney_Gumble
prime_word = 'homer_simpson'

loaded_graph = tf.Graph()
with tf.Session(graph=loaded_graph) as sess:
    # Load saved model
    loader = tf.train.import_meta_graph(load_dir + '.meta')
    loader.restore(sess, load_dir)

    # Get Tensors from loaded model
    input_text, initial_state, final_state, probs = get_tensors(loaded_graph)

    # Sentences generation setup
    gen_sentences = [prime_word + ':']
    prev_state =, {input_text: np.array([[1]])})

    # Generate sentences
    for n in range(gen_length):
        # Dynamic Input
        dyn_input = [[vocab_to_int[word] for word in gen_sentences[-seq_length:]]]
        dyn_seq_length = len(dyn_input[0])

        # Get Prediction
        probabilities, prev_state =
            [probs, final_state],
            {input_text: dyn_input, initial_state: prev_state})
        pred_word = pick_word(probabilities[dyn_seq_length-1], int_to_vocab)

    # Remove tokens
    tv_script = ' '.join(gen_sentences)
    for key, token in token_dict.items():
        ending = ' ' if key in ['\n', '(', '"'] else ''
        tv_script = tv_script.replace(' ' + token.lower(), key)
    tv_script = tv_script.replace('\n ', '\n')
    tv_script = tv_script.replace('( ', '(')
homer_simpson:(sighs) ooh, and head, a pen pal, pick up my friend.
lenny_leonard:(thoughtful) nothin' to live for some kinda punishment-- i mean, marge. we won my heart so good to be done.(to moe, loud) achem!
other_player: newsweek want chilly willy!
crowd: hope! beep!!
snake_jailbird: uh, you're right, moe. how innocuous are your flashbacks?
rev. _hooper: you know, boxing might learn-- the most powerful drink i needed a big cat in the world-- a good friend.
moe_szyslak: oh, what happened?
homer_simpson: you should join my religion, moe.
moe_szyslak: well, you guys nobody do still drive that japanese beer.
moe_szyslak: aw, read on the counter...
duffman: ooh, how are you people?
marge_simpson: i got a real friend.
moe_szyslak: hey, get the darts. you went--
homer_simpson:(pointed) hey, there's no turning my friend!
moe_szyslak: okay, what have to start a bag?
lindsay_naegle: well just if it makes you say one that way.
c. _montgomery_burns: letter? that's my fault. i couldn't bear to join a boat with a woman.
homer_simpson: i don't wanna look at my family...
walther_hotenhoffer:(upset) there's to a girl long time we got some pian-ee.

moe_szyslak: oh, you're thinking. i was gonna use it to the time.

homer_simpson: i got a rash. i didn't rip out his wallet in

The TV Script is Nonsensical

It's ok if the TV script doesn't make any sense. We trained on less than a megabyte of text. In order to get good results, you'll have to use a smaller vocabulary or get more data. Luckly there's more data! As we mentioned in the begging of this project, this is a subset of another dataset. We didn't have you train on all the data, because that would take too long. However, you are free to train your neural network on all the data. After you complete the project, of course.

Submitting This Project

When submitting this project, make sure to run all the cells before saving the notebook. Save the notebook file as "dlnd_tv_script_generation.ipynb" and save it as a HTML file under "File" -> "Download as". Include the "" and "" files in your submission.